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The Hunted OPSIG Team Black Series Book 1 edition by Alan Jacobson Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF The Hunted OPSIG Team Black Series Book 1  edition by Alan Jacobson Literature  Fiction eBooks

From a national bestselling author “A classic cat-and-mouse with enough twists to enthrall even the most veteran thriller reader” (David Baldacci).

How well do you really know the person you love? How far would you go to find out? 

If there were one person in the world Dr. Lauren Chambers was sure she could rely on, it was her husband, Michael. Slowly recovering from an agoraphobic depression and still prone to episodes of blinding anxiety, the gifted psychologist has depended on his love and support. So when Michael suddenly and mysteriously vanishes, Lauren once again finds herself balancing on a knife’s edge of paranoia.
Is there more to it than paranoia, though? Private investigator Nick Bradley believes so. As the pair takes off on a cross-country journey in search of answers—a search that yields a series of unsettling truths about the husband Lauren believed she knew so well—bestselling author Alan Jacobson sets in motion a page-turning tale of concealed identities, an assassin’s vendetta, and murderous revenge.
A master of the shocking twist and the ingenious turn, Jacobson builds an exhilarating road thriller filled with hairpin turns and unexpected detours as Lauren heads for a face-off with the most dangerous secret of all the truth. From the author of False Accusations and The Lost Codex, this is “a book that is impossible to put down” (Library Journal).

The Hunted OPSIG Team Black Series Book 1 edition by Alan Jacobson Literature Fiction eBooks

Reading the series out of order, but it’s kind of interesting doing it that way because you get to go back to the beginning, with The Hunted, to see how the characters are introduced, how they got started in the series, and what their original relationships were like.

The Hunted starts off focusing on Lauren Chambers, a psychologist whose hubby goes missing. She’s got some psychological issues herself, which makes his disappearance even more difficult to deal with. The OPSIG group, and characters, have a lesser role early on in the story, but when the stakes get high, their role increases. Anthony Scarponi is one scary dude. He’s back in a later novel (One of the Vail series), so it’s interesting to see where he came from.

Overall, the story pulls you in and the action and mystery/suspense of what really is going on keeps you reading. And the last 75-100 pages or so are a twisting sprint to the end.

Product details

  • File Size 2838 KB
  • Print Length 462 pages
  • Publisher Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller (July 1, 2014)
  • Publication Date July 1, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The Hunted OPSIG Team Black Series Book 1  edition by Alan Jacobson Literature  Fiction eBooks

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The Hunted OPSIG Team Black Series Book 1 edition by Alan Jacobson Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

I just discover Jacobson a few months ago but liked his style so much that I back-ordered some of his earlier books from . His books are suspenseful and thought-provoking. His upcoming release is in my Wish List!
... Rewritten this 2001 original release to reflect times? If. It, why not date this story 2000 at the get-go? I'm so frustrated I can't even finish.

I feel cheated. I saw this book's blurb on BookBub and bought it heartily. The new 2014 release date is misleading. Soooo much needs to be updated. A sixty year old FBI secretary who has been there since 1968. Our late-thirties "hero" born in 1959? Chevy Trackers and Ford Tempos? Hand held PC-- you mean smartphones

BTW-- ISIS , Taliban and Al Queda are the enemies now...the USSR is not.

Lauren actually wanting to take a gun on the plane? Sheesh.

Author needs to let us feel the characters' emotions. Michael/Payne suffers from amnesia and just accepts he's in Witsec? Lauren thinks someone has been in her house and just quietly goes to bed?

Too many twists, not even remotely believable. Don't waste your time on this stinker.
Thorouhly enjoyed although it takes the reader on paths that are not always as expected. I found myself feeling empathy for the heroine and suspicious of everyone in her path to find her husband. This book was what I hope for in good reading material - not so immersed in details that you are hopelessly lost, but enough to satisfy your mind to keep reading.
I really thought this was a pretty terrible book and am upset I actually had to pay for it. The characters were 2 dimensional, the plot was thin, at best, and the writing that was supposed to invoke terror actually made me laugh. I didn't like any of the characters and could have cared less about them which is why I had to stop reading it half way through.
This book is an easy read but lacks an easily followed story line. What child? Where is the child? Lauren does not react to that line when it is uttered.

What about Lauren's experience with the killer in the cabin. That exciting event is left out of the text and not mentioned again in any meaningful way as the story now continues its march toward Virginia.

Also, I don't particularly like or see the necessity for the numerous "collateral" deaths toward the end.

All in all, however, the writer held my attention.

Frannie in Missouri
I've read other books by Jacobson that were so well done the contrast is shocking. Aside from criticism noted by other readers, I found the so-called repartee ridiculously amateurish. Example One spy tells another, "Curiosity killed the cat." The reply, " So, I'll have to be a lot smarter than that dead feline."

Then there is, "Another concussion was something he definitely did not need."

Such cleverness is like the TV pharma commercial, "With less pain I feel better."

I would have referred the author to books by Balducci for examples of clever dialogue/repartee, but the publishers convinced Balducci to give this novel high praise. Jacobson should be ashamed to keep this published without a major rewrite, when he is capable of 500 percent better.
Reading the series out of order, but it’s kind of interesting doing it that way because you get to go back to the beginning, with The Hunted, to see how the characters are introduced, how they got started in the series, and what their original relationships were like.

The Hunted starts off focusing on Lauren Chambers, a psychologist whose hubby goes missing. She’s got some psychological issues herself, which makes his disappearance even more difficult to deal with. The OPSIG group, and characters, have a lesser role early on in the story, but when the stakes get high, their role increases. Anthony Scarponi is one scary dude. He’s back in a later novel (One of the Vail series), so it’s interesting to see where he came from.

Overall, the story pulls you in and the action and mystery/suspense of what really is going on keeps you reading. And the last 75-100 pages or so are a twisting sprint to the end.
Ebook PDF The Hunted OPSIG Team Black Series Book 1  edition by Alan Jacobson Literature  Fiction eBooks

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